Harry Styles Live on Tour 2017

by - Tuesday, September 26, 2017


If anyone knows me at all, they know Harry is my favourite member of One Direction. I've always thought he was such a genuine human, and I always admired that he was a writer as well (even though while being in One Direction he wasn't allowed to show it as much). So when I found out he was finally hitting the road as a solo artist, I knew I had to go. 
I have never been as stressed, in my life, as I was during the Harry Styles pre-sale. I woke up an extra two hours before the tickets went on sale just so I could calm myself down. I knew these tickets were gonna be hard to get, especially because he was only playing one show in all of Southern California on this tour.
It took my friend and I about eight tries, including our blood, sweat and tears to finally get these tickets. I knew many of the people who were trying to get them didn't, and I felt bad because some of those people were friends of ours who we've gone to many One Direction shows with. 

Fast forward to the day of the show; I arrived a day early because I was also attending the Niall show the day before. I essentially made a mini road trip to LA to see the boys.
I stopped at USC a couple of hours before the show, to drop off my friend there. Then I headed down Vermont Avenue all the way up to the Greek. The traffic was awful as always, but that wasn't gonna ruin the fact that I was seeing Harry in what felt like days, but were really just a couple of hours.
Once I parked I took my spot in the longest line ever, waiting to get inside the venue. I met up with my friend with whom I bought the tickets, and we bought merch first then headed to find our seats. Our section was in the middle of the venue, to the right, meaning we weren't too far but also not as close as we might have wanted ( but I was just glad we even got those tickets!! ).

MUNA opened the show with an energetic set and engulfed the crowd into what was going to be an amazing show. Once Harry came onto the stage, the crowd went wild and the screams were so loud I couldn't hear myself think. But this is exactly the energy he feeds off of, and it's amazing to watch. He has such a stage presence, it's hard not to be moved by it. At times I felt like everyone was so starstruck by the man on stage, they failed to look around and see the lit up faces of people who felt like nothing could go wrong in the world, and their lives were perfect; at least for an hour and a half that night.

It felt nostalgic to be at a show like this, it made me miss what One Direction concerts felt like. Although this felt like a 1D concert, it was also new and refreshing, and just beautiful to watch how much freedom and happiness radiated from both the stage and from the audience.

Harry is scheduled on the road next summer on his world tour, and I'm planning on attending all of  the California shows! Hope to see you there.

His debut album is out now, and you can grab it here!

Ever Since New York
Two Ghosts
Stockholm Syndrome (One Direction cover)
Sweet Creature
Only Angel
Meet Me in the Hallway
Just a Little Bit of Your Heart (Ariana Grande cover)
What Makes You Beautiful (One Direction cover)
From the Dining Table
The Chain (Fleetwood Mac cover)
Sign of the Times

For concert's I've been to, and the ones that are coming up, check here.

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